Welcome to, a community organization in west Toronto.
Do you think your city and neighbourhood can do better?
We do! We are passionate about this place. Join us!
We support the residents and communities of Parkdale, High Park, Roncesvalles, The Junction, Swansea, Runnymede – Bloor West Village and Lambton Baby Point.
Our goal is to educate, celebrate and support you in Parkdale High Park, one of the most vibrant and beautiful areas in western Toronto.
Contact if you have an event, business listing or community news item. We can share through our website, blog and social media.
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Community Blog
Thank You High Park Community Alliance (HPCA) for Fighting for Responsible Development
The latest update from HPCA aka High Park Community Alliance outlines the community group's dissolution. Funds will be dispersed to a number of charitable organizations including the worthy HPTA (High Park Tenants Association). We thank all those involved for their...
Police Ignore High Park Pickup Soccer Game While Barring Access to Cherry Blossoms during Covid Lockdown
Soccer players violate COVID-19 laws in High Park on Sunday April 18. Police do nothing. The video, recorded by a High Park / Parkdale area resident, shows 20 adults gathered to play soccer in the main soccer field of High Park, Toronto. Most of the players are not...
The Story of the Batemans: Redevelopment Threatened Their Home in High Park Village
No ones understands this better than Stan and Paddy Bateman. In 2017 they faced the proverbial wrecking ball and eviction as developer GWL Realty (formerly Vertica). threatened to kick them out of their life-long home at 65 High Park Ave.
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Follow us on Instagram: @parkdalehighpark
Thanks for your support!
Parkdale High Park